Butch didn't like Ami coming up to me for petting at first but he's used to it now. Ami, however, likes to steal Butch's food. He doesn't seem to learn that doing so gets the crap beaten out of him by Butch. I took Butch to the dog park yesterday morning and then to PetCo for grooming in the afternoon, to get rid of two weeks' worth of stink out of his coat. They trimmed him up a bit, gave him a bath, some not-too-pleasant cologne, and an orange ribbon for his time there.

He didn't seem to mind it but was very happy to see me when I went to pick him up. That night Lior, Ami's owner, had a party in the house where Lior's brother brought his own dog, Moose, over.

Butch was okay with him at the start, but when Moose came up to me Butch got mad at him. Humping happened later on, once Butch realized he could dominate the much larger Moose. We're working on this possession thing.

I'm so glad you finally have dogs in your day-to-day life! It's the best thing ever! I love you. :-)
You went from dogless to having twins. OK, you need to come over to have a play date with Sedona.
I can't wait to meet Butch, he looks so cute! I'm glad he gets to play with other puppies. : )
Dallas and Jake, Jake and Dallas. The inseparable duo.
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