Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Brilliance of Boulderites

Yesterday I had the fortune of being taken out to eat at Sherpa's by Megan and Erin in honor of my birthday as well as for passing comps. (I love me some vindaloo. Gratias, puellae.) As I was driving down to the restaurant around noon, I passed through the intersection at Broadway and Arapahoe. There, half a dozen protesters stood on the corners holding up placards complaining of the war in Iraq. "Occupation Breeds Hatred", said one. Another said something along the lines of "Bring Our Troops Home Now".

Friday, I ran to the union to grab some food from the food court, as I had not eaten before going to campus. Along one of the walkways through the dining area to the entry to the food court stand a number of folding tables, which typically are occupied by solicitors for whatever suits your fancy: intelligent design, chiropracty, skiing, what have you. That day, one of the tables was being used by a group opposed to the war in Darfur, Sudan. A righteous and correct cause, to be certain. But were they collecting donations to buy food and supplies for the people of the region? No. Were they asking for volunteers to go administer aid and relief to the needy? No. They were taking pictures of individuals holding a sign protesting the situation, pictures that they would send or take to a protest in San Francisco against the ongoing aggression and lack of world response.

These are simply two examples of the astounding stupidity, ignorance, and disconnection from reality that seems so symptomatic of people who live in this town. What do they expect to accomplish by preaching to the choir, so to speak, protesting on a street corner in Boulder? What do they hope to change by protesting in San Francisco? Is that city intimately linked with Sudan, or Darfur in particular? Is it geographically close? Is the seat of any government with authority and power to act to change the situation located in San Francisco, or Boulder? What message do they believe themselves to send by snapping a photograph holding a stock sign? Do those protesting against the Iraqi war have the slightest clue as to what the Iraqis wish us to do? Do they even know anyone in the military, much less care enough about the military to make their claims to "support the troops" more than hypocritical lip-service and propaganda? Hypocrites, liars, and fools all.

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